Monday, July 8, 2013

1212.3666 (Hong Liu et al.)

Spontaneous Generation of Angular Momentum in Holographic Theories    [PDF]

Hong Liu, Hirosi Ooguri, Bogdan Stoica, Nicolas Yunes

1307.1409 (Heino Falcke et al.)

Fast radio bursts: the last sign of supramassive neutron stars    [PDF]

Heino Falcke, Luciano Rezzolla

1307.1481 (Koray Düztaş et al.)

Cosmic Censorship, Black Holes and Integer-spin Test Fields    [PDF]

Koray Düztaş, İbrahim Semiz

1307.1510 (Chiang-Mei Chen et al.)

A Reference for the Gravitational Hamiltonian Boundary Term    [PDF]

Chiang-Mei Chen, Jian-Liang Liu, James M. Nester, Gang Sun

1307.1520 (Narayan Banerjee et al.)

Towards a characterization of fields leading to black hole hair    [PDF]

Narayan Banerjee, Somasri Sen

1307.1566 (L. M. González-Romero et al.)

Core-crust transition pressure for relativistic slowly rotating neutron

L. M. González-Romero, J. L. Blázquez-Salcedo

1307.1570 (J. L. Blázquez-Salcedo et al.)

Axial Quasi-normal modes of Neutron Stars with Exotic Matter    [PDF]

J. L. Blázquez-Salcedo, L. M. González-Romero, F. Navarro-Lérida

1307.1590 (Olivier Minazzoli)

Conservation laws in theories with universal gravity/matter coupling    [PDF]

Olivier Minazzoli

1307.1602 (Ignacio F. Ranea Sandoval et al.)

Effect of magnetic fields on equatorial circular orbits in Kerr

Ignacio F. Ranea Sandoval, Héctor Vucetich

1307.1603 (Stefan Hollands et al.)

Bondi mass cannot become negative in higher dimensions    [PDF]

Stefan Hollands, Alexander Thorne

1307.1604 (H. Nikolic)

Can a wormhole be interpreted as an EPR pair?    [PDF]

H. Nikolic

1307.1631 (Nicolai Friis et al.)

Scalar, spinor and photon fields under relativistic cavity motion    [PDF]

Nicolai Friis, Antony R. Lee, Jorma Louko

1307.1632 (Felix Finster et al.)

Gupta-Bleuler Quantization of the Maxwell Field in Globally Hyperbolic

Felix Finster, Alexander Strohmaier

1307.1679 (Frank Hellmann et al.)

Holonomy spin foam models: Asymptotic geometry of the partition function    [PDF]

Frank Hellmann, Wojciech Kaminski

1307.1683 (István Rácz)

Stationary Black Holes as Holographs II    [PDF]

István Rácz

1307.1689 (Adel Bilal et al.)

Multi-Loop Zeta Function Regularization and Spectral Cutoff in Curved

Adel Bilal, Frank Ferrari