Tuesday, July 16, 2013

1307.3537 (John Ellis et al.)

Starobinsky-like Inflationary Models as Avatars of No-Scale Supergravity    [PDF]

John Ellis, Dimitri V. Nanopoulos, Keith A. Olive

1307.3559 (M. C. David Marsh et al.)

Charting an Inflationary Landscape with Random Matrix Theory    [PDF]

M. C. David Marsh, Liam McAllister, Enrico Pajer, Timm Wrase

1307.3562 (I. W. Harry et al.)

Investigating the effect of precession on searches for
neutron-star-black-hole binaries with Advanced LIGO

I. W. Harry, A. H. Nitz, Duncan A. Brown, A. Lundgren, Evan Ochsner, D. Keppel

1307.3599 (Preston Jones et al.)

Field localization and Nambu Jona-Lasinio mass generation mechanism in
an alternative 5-dimensional brane model

Preston Jones, Gerardo Munoz, Douglas Singleton, Triyanta

1307.3640 (Eugeny Babichev et al.)

Restoring General Relativity in massive bi-gravity theory    [PDF]

Eugeny Babichev, Marco Crisostomi

1307.3898 (Michele Maggiore)

Phantom dark energy from non-local massive gravity    [PDF]

Michele Maggiore

1307.3922 (Jonathan Holland et al.)

The cosmology of a fundamental scalar    [PDF]

Jonathan Holland, George Sparling

1307.3933 (Dirk Puetzfeld et al.)

Unraveling gravity beyond Einstein with extended test bodies    [PDF]

Dirk Puetzfeld, Yuri N. Obukhov

1307.3937 (Edmund A. Chadwick et al.)

Gravitational theoretical development supporting MOND    [PDF]

Edmund A. Chadwick, Timothy F. Hodgkinson, Graham S. McDonald

1307.3947 (I. Brevik et al.)

Rip Brane Cosmology from 4d Inhomogeneous Dark Fluid Universe    [PDF]

I. Brevik, V. V. Obukhov, A. V. Timoshkin, Y. Rabochaya

1307.4021 (Marco Astorino)

C-metric with a conformally coupled scalar field in a magnetic universe    [PDF]

Marco Astorino

1307.4064 (Barak Kol)

Self force from equivalent periodic sources    [PDF]

Barak Kol

1307.4066 (Louis Lello et al.)

Pre-slow roll initial conditions: large scale power suppression and
infrared aspects during inflation

Louis Lello, Daniel Boyanovsky, Richard Holman