Tuesday, April 9, 2013

1110.2843 (Masato Minamitsuji et al.)

Warped spherical compactifications in the gravity theory    [PDF]

Masato Minamitsuji, Kunihito Uzawa

1304.1802 (Fulvio Melia et al.)

Cosmic Chronometers in the R_h=ct Universe    [PDF]

Fulvio Melia, Robert S. Maier

1304.1869 (Andreas Cap et al.)

Projective Compactifications and Einstein metrics    [PDF]

Andreas Cap, A. Rod Gover

1304.1874 (Yu. V. Pavlov)

Exact solutions and particle creation for nonconformal scalar fields in
homogeneous isotropic cosmological models

Yu. V. Pavlov

1304.1878 (Guido Cognola et al.)

Einstein gravity with Gauss-Bonnet entropic corrections    [PDF]

Guido Cognola, Ratbay Myrzakulov, Lorenzo Sebastiani, Sergio Zerbini

1304.1899 (Christian Corda)

Time-Dependent Schrodinger Equation for Black Holes: no Information Loss    [PDF]

Christian Corda

1304.1912 (Franco Fiorini et al.)

Compact extra dimensions in cosmologies with f(T) structure    [PDF]

Franco Fiorini, P. A. Gonzalez, Yerko Vasquez

1304.1960 (James Isenberg)

Initial Value Problem in General Relativity    [PDF]

James Isenberg

1304.1961 (Shinji Tsujikawa)

Quintessence: A Review    [PDF]

Shinji Tsujikawa

1304.2008 (Arif Mohd et al.)

Thermodynamics of Local Causal Horizons    [PDF]

Arif Mohd, Sudipta Sarkar

1304.2011 (Benjamin Withers)

The moduli space of striped black branes    [PDF]

Benjamin Withers

1304.2030 (Robert C. Myers et al.)

On Spacetime Entanglement    [PDF]

Robert C. Myers, Razieh Pourhasan, Michael Smolkin

1304.2052 (Andrea Maselli et al.)

I-Love-Q forever    [PDF]

Andrea Maselli, Vitor Cardoso, Valeria Ferrari, Leonardo Gualtieri, Paolo Pani

1304.2090 (R. V. Maluf et al.)

Matter-gravity scattering in the presence of spontaneous Lorentz

R. V. Maluf, Victor Santos, W. T. Cruz, C. A. S. Almeida

1304.2125 (Shubhayu Chatterjee et al.)

Modified Ricci flow and asymptotically non-flat spaces    [PDF]

Shubhayu Chatterjee, Narayan Banerjee

1304.2142 (Eva Hackmann et al.)

Charged particle motion in Kerr-Newmann space-times    [PDF]

Eva Hackmann, Hongxiao Xu

1304.2196 (Sophie C. F. Morris et al.)

Cosmological effects of coupled dark matter    [PDF]

Sophie C. F. Morris, Anne M. Green, Antonio Padilla, Ewan R. M. Tarrant

1304.2203 (Alejandro Cabo Montes de Oca et al.)

On radiation reaction and the Abraham-Lorentz-Dirac equation    [PDF]

Alejandro Cabo Montes de Oca, Jorge Castiñeiras

1304.2208 (Jakub Mielczarek)

Loop-deformed Poincaré algebra    [PDF]

Jakub Mielczarek

1304.2220 (Do-Hyung Kim)

A characterization of causal automorphisms on two-dimensional Minkowski

Do-Hyung Kim

1304.2228 (Sayan Chakrabarti et al.)

New perspectives on neutron star and black hole spectroscopy and dynamic

Sayan Chakrabarti, Térence Delsate, Jan Steinhoff

1304.2291 (Giovanni Marozzi et al.)

Gauge invariant backreaction in general single field models of inflation    [PDF]

Giovanni Marozzi, Gian Paolo Vacca

1304.2305 (F. R. Klinkhamer)

Black hole solution without singularity    [PDF]

F. R. Klinkhamer

1304.2311 (Mohammad Ghanaatian et al.)

Nonlinear Charged Black Holes in Anti-de Sitter Quasi-Topological

Mohammad Ghanaatian, Afsaneh Bazrafshan

1304.2318 (Stephen R. Green et al.)

Examples of backreaction of small scale inhomogeneities in cosmology    [PDF]

Stephen R. Green, Robert M. Wald