Monday, September 17, 2012

1209.3030 (E. R. Bezerra de Mello et al.)

Fermionic vacuum polarization by a flat boundary in cosmic string

E. R. Bezerra de Mello, A. A. Saharian, S. V. Abajyan

1209.3024 (Tim Johannsen)

Testing General Relativity in the Strong-Field Regime with Observations
of Black Holes in the Electromagnetic Spectrum

Tim Johannsen

1209.3027 (Luke Zoltan Kelley et al.)

Electromagnetic transients as triggers in searches for gravitational
waves from compact binary mergers

Luke Zoltan Kelley, Ilya Mandel, Enrico Ramirez-Ruiz

1209.3034 (Gülçin Uluyazi)

An Investigation of Equivalence between Bulk-based and Brane-based

Gülçin Uluyazi

1209.3062 (A. O. Barvinsky et al.)

New representation of the nonlocal ghost-free gravity theory    [PDF]

A. O. Barvinsky, Yu. V. Gusev

1209.3086 (Xin Li et al.)

Finslerian MOND vs. observations of Bullet Cluster 1E0657-558    [PDF]

Xin Li, Ming-Hua Li, Hai-Nan Lin, Zhe Chang

1209.3087 (Tommaso F. Demarie et al.)

Entropy and entanglement in polymer quantization    [PDF]

Tommaso F. Demarie, Daniel R. Terno

1209.3107 (Chiu Man Ho et al.)

Physical and Stable Closed Timelike Curves    [PDF]

Chiu Man Ho, Thomas J. Weiler

1209.3142 (Krzysztof Bolejko et al.)

Anti-lensing: the bright side of voids    [PDF]

Krzysztof Bolejko, Chris Clarkson, Roy Maartens, David Bacon, Nikolai Meures, Emma Beynon

1209.3147 (Esmaeil Ebrahimi et al.)

Interacting generalized ghost dark energy in non-flat universe    [PDF]

Esmaeil Ebrahimi, Ahmad Sheykhi

1209.3269 (James F. Steiner et al.)

A Broad Iron Line in LMC X-1    [PDF]

James F. Steiner, Rubens C. Reis, Andrew C. Fabian, Ronald A. Remillard, Jeffrey E. McClintock, Lijun Gou, Ryan Cooke, Laura W. Brenneman, Jeremy S. Sanders