Thursday, April 18, 2013

1101.2843 (Masud Chaichian et al.)

Arnowitt-Deser-Misner representation and Hamiltonian analysis of
covariant renormalizable gravity

Masud Chaichian, Markku Oksanen, Anca Tureanu

1304.4630 (Yaakov Friedman et al.)

Spacetime Transformations from a Uniformly Accelerated Frame    [PDF]

Yaakov Friedman, Tzvi Scarr

1304.4607 (Andre G. S. Landulfo et al.)

Sending classical information through relativistic quantum channels    [PDF]

Andre G. S. Landulfo, Adriano C. Torres

1304.4611 (P. Belli et al.)

Astrophysical and cosmological problems of invisible mass and dark
energy in the Universe

P. Belli, L. A. Berdina, R. Bernabei, A. Bogdan, R. S. Boiko, A. Yu. Burgazli, F. Cappella, R. Cerulli, D. M. Chernyak, F. A. Danevich, A. d'Angelo, M. V. Eingorn, S. H. Fakhr, E. Fedorova, E. N. Galashov, A. Giuliani, B. I. Hnatyk, A. Incicchitti, G. Ivashchenko, V. V. Kobychev, O. O. Kobzar, H. Kraus, B. N. Kropivyansky, A. V. Kudinova, Yu. A. Kulinich, M. Laubenstein, V. V. Marchenko, S. Marnieros, V. B. Mikhailik, A. A. Minakov, V. M. Mokina, L. L. Nagornaya, A. S. Nikolaiko, C. Nones, B. S. Novosyadlyj, E. Olivieri, V. O. Pelykh, D. V. Poda, R. B. Podviyanuk, O. G. Polischuk, O. N. Sergijenko, V. N. Shlegel, V. M. Shulga, V. M. Sliusar, O. B. Sushchov, Y. V. Taistra, M. Tenconi, O. Torbaniuk, V. I. Tretyak, V. S. Tsvetkova, V. G. Vakulik, Ya. V. Vasiliev, A. Vasylenko, O. Vasylenko, V. I. Zhdanov, A. I. Zhuk

1304.4616 (Stefanos Aretakis)

Nonlinear instability of scalar fields on extremal black holes    [PDF]

Stefanos Aretakis

1304.4675 (J. B. Fonseca-Neto et al.)

Gödel-type universes and chronology protection in
Hořava-Lifshitz gravity

J. B. Fonseca-Neto, A. Yu. Petrov, M. J. Reboucas

1304.4683 (Shahar Hod)

Black-hole perturbation theory: The asymptotic spectrum of the prolate
spin-weighted spheroidal harmonics

Shahar Hod

1304.4777 (Alessandro Codello et al.)

Consistent closure of RG flow equations in quantum gravity    [PDF]

Alessandro Codello, Giulio D'Odorico, Carlo Pagani

1304.4780 (Hui Li et al.)

Thermodynamics of the apparent horizon in massive cosmology    [PDF]

Hui Li, Yi Zhang

1304.4818 (Anna Maria Candela et al.)

Remarks on the completeness of trajectories of accelerated particles in
Riemannian manifolds and plane waves

Anna Maria Candela, Alfonso Romero, Miguel Sánchez

1304.4832 (Massimo Giovannini)

Fluid phonons, protoinflationary dynamics and large-scale gravitational

Massimo Giovannini

1304.4840 (Jerome Gleyzes et al.)

Essential Building Blocks of Dark Energy    [PDF]

Jerome Gleyzes, David Langlois, Federico Piazza, Filippo Vernizzi

1304.4844 (J. W. van Holten)

Single scalar cosmology    [PDF]

J. W. van Holten

1304.4868 (Farzin Naserian)

Studying a Technical scheme for Accurate Measurement of Gravity Waves

Farzin Naserian

1304.4909 (Mohammad F. Maghrebi et al.)

Quantum Cherenkov Radiation and Non-contact Friction    [PDF]

Mohammad F. Maghrebi, Ramin Golestanian, Mehran Kardar

1304.4917 (Marcelo M. Disconzi)

A note on quantization in the presence of gravitational shock waves    [PDF]

Marcelo M. Disconzi