Friday, April 5, 2013

1112.5801 (I. V. Kanatchikov)

Precanonical Quantization and the Schrödinger Wave Functional

I. V. Kanatchikov

1302.7138 (R. Casadio et al.)

Quantum Harmonic Black Holes    [PDF]

R. Casadio, A. Orlandi

1304.1156 (Sebastian Fischetti et al.)

Rotating Black Droplet    [PDF]

Sebastian Fischetti, Jorge E. Santos

1304.1160 (Paolo Pani et al.)

Gravito-Electromagnetic Perturbations of Kerr-Newman Black Holes:
Stability and Isospectrality in the Slow-Rotation Limit

Paolo Pani, Emanuele Berti, Leonardo Gualtieri

1304.1162 (Pau Figueras et al.)

CFT's in rotating black hole backgrounds    [PDF]

Pau Figueras, Saran Tunyasuvunakool

1304.1167 (Jared Greenwald et al.)

Gravitational collapse in Hořava-Lifshitz theory    [PDF]

Jared Greenwald, Jonatan Lenells, V. H. Satheeshkumar, Anzhong Wang

1304.1181 (Thiago S. Pereira et al.)

Inflationary Super-Hubble Waves and the Size of the Universe    [PDF]

Thiago S. Pereira, Luis Gustavo T. Silva

1304.1281 (Chayan Ranjit et al.)

Observational Study of Higher Dimensional Magnetic Universe in
Non-linear Electrodynamics

Chayan Ranjit, Shuvendu Chakraborty, Ujjal Debnath

1304.1325 (Matej Pavšič)

Pais-Uhlenbeck Oscillator with Benign Friction Force    [PDF]

Matej Pavšič

1304.1415 (László Á. Gergely et al.)

Distributional cosmological quantities solve the paradox of soft
singularity crossing

László Á. Gergely, Zoltán Keresztes, Alexander Yu. Kamenshchik

1304.1434 (J. C. C. de Souza et al.)

Domain Wall Model in the Galactical Bose-Einstein Condensate Halo    [PDF]

J. C. C. de Souza, M. O. C. Pires

1304.1474 (Rodolfo Gambini et al.)

The SL(2,R) totally constrained model: three quantization approaches    [PDF]

Rodolfo Gambini, Javier Olmedo