Monday, May 20, 2013

1010.2427 (Carsten Gundlach et al.)

Summation by parts methods for the spherical harmonic decomposition of
the wave equation in arbitrary dimensions

Carsten Gundlach, Jose M. Martin-Garcia, David Garfinkle

1305.3918 (Y. Jack Ng)

Towards a holographic theory of cosmology -- threads in a tapestry    [PDF]

Y. Jack Ng

1305.3919 (B. Bellazzini et al.)

A Naturally Light Dilaton and a Small Cosmological Constant    [PDF]

B. Bellazzini, C. Csaki, J. Hubisz, J. Serra, J. Terning

1305.3922 (J. R. Villanueva et al.)

On the Null Trajectories in Conformal Weyl Gravity    [PDF]

J. R. Villanueva, Marco Olivares

1305.3943 (Andrew S. Friedman et al.)

The Shared Causal Pasts and Futures of Cosmological Events    [PDF]

Andrew S. Friedman, David I. Kaiser, Jason Gallicchio

1305.3957 (Haixing Miao et al.)

Quantum Limits of Interferometer Topologies for Gravitational Radiation

Haixing Miao, Huan Yang, Rana X Adhikari, Yanbei Chen

1305.4073 (Norman Gürlebeck et al.)

A Generalized Family of Post-Newtonian Dedekind Ellipsoids    [PDF]

Norman Gürlebeck, David Petroff