Friday, March 29, 2013

1011.5872 (Luis B. Castro et al.)

Fermion localization on branes with generalized dynamics    [PDF]

Luis B. Castro, Luis E. Arroyo Meza

1303.6945 (G. Abbas)

Phantom energy accretion onto a black hole in Horava Lifshitz gravity    [PDF]

G. Abbas

1303.6772 (Sylvain Carrozza et al.)

Renormalization of an SU(2) Tensorial Group Field Theory in Three

Sylvain Carrozza, Daniele Oriti, Vincent Rivasseau

1303.6969 (J. Winicour)

The affine-null metric formulation of Einstein's equations    [PDF]

J. Winicour

1303.7016 (Deepali Lodhia et al.)

Phase effects due to beam misalignment on diffraction gratings    [PDF]

Deepali Lodhia, Daniel Brown, Frank Brueckner, Ludovico Carbone, Paul Fulda, Keiko Kokeyama, Andreas Freise

1303.7038 (Jorge Mastache et al.)

Extra relativistic degrees of freedom without extra particles using
Planck data

Jorge Mastache, Axel de la Macorra

1303.7062 (Boris E. Meierovich)

Galaxy rotation curves. The theory    [PDF]

Boris E. Meierovich

1303.7098 (Oscar Lorente-Espín)

Emission of fermions in little string theory    [PDF]

Oscar Lorente-Espín

1303.7139 (Sean Gryb et al.)

Symmetry and Evolution in Quantum Gravity    [PDF]

Sean Gryb, Karim Thebault

1303.7162 (Stephen Boughn)

Fritz Hasenohrl and E = mc^2    [PDF]

Stephen Boughn

1303.7219 (F. R. Klinkhamer et al.)

Antigravity from a spacetime defect    [PDF]

F. R. Klinkhamer, C. Rahmede