Tuesday, August 28, 2012

1104.5615 (Ryuichi Fujita)

Gravitational radiation for extreme mass ratio inspirals to the 14th
post-Newtonian order

Ryuichi Fujita

1105.2804 (Alejandro Corichi et al.)

On the Semiclassical Limit of Loop Quantum Cosmology    [PDF]

Alejandro Corichi, Edison Montoya

1111.5607 (G. L. Comer et al.)

Cosmological Two-stream Instability    [PDF]

G. L. Comer, Patrick Peter, N. Andersson

1208.5082 (Taeyoon Moon et al.)

Rank-3 finite temperature logarithmic conformal field theory    [PDF]

Taeyoon Moon, Yun Soo Myung

1208.5102 (Kent Yagi et al.)

Gravitational Waves from Quasi-Circular Black Hole Binaries in Dynamical
Chern-Simons Gravity

Kent Yagi, Nicolas Yunes, Takahiro Tanaka

1208.5115 (Debabrata Dwivedee et al.)

Evolution of Primordial Black Hole Mass Spectrum in Brans-Dicke Theory    [PDF]

Debabrata Dwivedee, Bibekananda Nayak, Lambodar Prasad Singh

1208.5182 (Martin Ammon et al.)

Black holes in three dimensional higher spin gravity: A review    [PDF]

Martin Ammon, Michael Gutperle, Per Kraus, Eric Perlmutter

1208.5185 (Remigiusz Durka)

Deformed BF theory as a theory of gravity and supergravity    [PDF]

Remigiusz Durka

1208.5189 (Lay Nam Chang et al.)

Biorthogonal Quantum Mechanics: Super-Quantum Correlations and
Expectation Values without Definite Probabilities

Lay Nam Chang, Zachary Lewis, Djordje Minic, Tatsu Takeuchi

1208.5227 (Nathan K. Johnson-McDaniel et al.)

Maximum elastic deformations of relativistic stars    [PDF]

Nathan K. Johnson-McDaniel, Benjamin J. Owen

1208.5237 (Hans-Jürgen Schmidt)

The tetralogy of Birkhoff theorems    [PDF]

Hans-Jürgen Schmidt

1208.5249 (V. I. Dokuchaev et al.)

Possible types of the evolution of vacuum shells around the de Sitter

V. I. Dokuchaev, S. V. Chernov

1208.5250 (N. Deppe et al.)

Critical Collapse in Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet Gravity in Five and Six

N. Deppe, C. D. Leonard, T. Taves, G. Kunstatter, R. B. Mann

1208.5251 (László Á. Gergely et al.)

The typical mass ratio and typical final spin in supermassive black hole

László Á. Gergely, Peter L. Biermann

1208.5266 (Luz Marina Reyes et al.)

Gravitational waves during inflation from a 5D large-scale repulsive
gravity model

Luz Marina Reyes, Claudia Moreno, José Edgar Madriz Aguilar, Mauricio Bellini

1208.5279 (William E. East et al.)

Dynamical Capture Binary Neutron Star Mergers    [PDF]

William E. East, Frans Pretorius

1208.5287 (Daisuke Yonetoku et al.)

Magnetic Structures in Gamma-Ray Burst Jets Probed by Gamma-Ray

Daisuke Yonetoku, Toshio Murakami, Shuichi Gunji, Tatehiro Mihara, Kenji Toma, Yoshiyuki Morihara, Takuya Takahashi, Yudai Wakashima, Hajime Yonemochi, Tomonori Sakashita, Noriyuki Toukairin, Hirofumi Fujimoto, Yoshiki Kodama

1208.5288 (Kenji Toma et al.)

Strict Limit on CPT Violation from Polarization of Gamma-Ray Burst    [PDF]

Kenji Toma, Shinji Mukohyama, Daisuke Yonetoku, Toshio Murakami, Shuichi Gunji, Tatehiro Mihara, Yoshiyuki Morihara, Tomonori Sakashita, Takuya Takahashi, Yudai Wakashima, Hajime Yonemochi, Noriyuki Toukairin

1208.5327 (Prashant Kumar et al.)

Geodesic flows and their deformations in Bertrand spacetimes    [PDF]

Prashant Kumar, Kaushik Bhattacharya, Tapobrata Sarkar

1208.5330 (Kamal K. Nandi et al.)

Comment on "Impact of a Global Quadratic Potential on Galactic Rotation

Kamal K. Nandi, Arunava Bhadra

1208.5358 (V. K. Oikonomou)

Singularities of the Casimir Energy for Quantum Field Theories with
Lifshitz Dimensions

V. K. Oikonomou

1208.5399 (Christopher J. Fewster)

Lectures on quantum energy inequalities    [PDF]

Christopher J. Fewster

1208.5442 (Sharmanthie Fernando et al.)

Quasinormal Modes of Bardeen Black Hole: Scalar Perturbations    [PDF]

Sharmanthie Fernando, Juan Correa

1208.5444 (G. Alencar et al.)

Quantum Kalb-Ramond Field in D-dimensional de Sitter Spacetimes    [PDF]

G. Alencar, I. Guedes, R. R. Landim, R. N. Costa Filho

1208.5456 (Parampreet Singh)

Numerical loop quantum cosmology: an overview    [PDF]

Parampreet Singh