Tuesday, June 11, 2013

1306.1827 (Hossein Ghaffarnejad)

Wave function of the Universe, preferred reference frame effects and
metric signature transition

Hossein Ghaffarnejad
Extending the Brans Dicke (BD) gravity theory in the presence of power-law self interacting potential $\thicksim\phi^n,$ action functional of a dynamical unit-time-like four vector field $N_{\mu}$ and action functional of perfect fluid matter field, we study classical and quantum approaches of a flat Robertson-Walker (RW) space time. In the classical approach we use slow-roll condition of the potential $V(\phi),$ and obtain power-law inflationary cosmological model which exhibits metric signature transition at the origin of time. Our solution follows $n\approx-4,$ with negative barotropic index $\gamma\approx-1$ corresponding to dark matter perfect fluid and $\omega\geq4\times10^4$ corresponding to the experimentally redicted value on the BD parameter. Deceleration parameter is obtained also as $q\approx-1.$ Applying a minisuperspace model of quantum cosmology, we derive corresponding Wheeler DeWitt (WD) wave functional equation of the system with a nonzero ADM mass. Minisuperspace potential of the WD equation has a saddle minimal point and near this point the WD takes a separable form. WD wave solution predicts a maximal probability on the metric signature transition hypersurface. Our WD wave solution follows $\omega\geq4\times10^4$ and slow-roll parameters of the self interacting BD potential which are used by our classical inflationary solutions. Furthermore our solutions predict a quantization condition on the ADM mass as $\mathcal{M}_{ADM}=k^2/l_p^2$ with $k=1,2,3,\cdots$ where $l_p=(16\pi G)^{1/2}$ is the well known Planck length.
View original: http://arxiv.org/abs/1306.1827

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