Sunday, May 19, 2013

1305.3683 (Roberto A Sussman)

Invariant characterization of the growing and decaying density modes in
LTB dust models

Roberto A Sussman
We obtain covariant expressions that generalize the growing and decaying density modes of linear perturbation theory of dust sources by means of the exact density perturbation from the formalism of quasi--local scalars associated to weighed proper volume averages in LTB dust models. The relation between these density modes and theoretical properties of generic LTB models is thoroughly studied by looking at the evolution of the models through a dynamical system whose phase space is parametrized by variables directly related to the modes themselves. The conditions for absence of shell crossings, as well as sign conditions on the modes, become interrelated fluid flow preserved constraints that define phase space invariant subspaces. In the general case (both density modes being nonzero) the evolution of phase space trajectories exhibits the expected dominance of the decaying/growing in the early/late evolution times defined by past/future attractors characterized by asymptotic density inhomogeneity. In particular, the growing mode is also dominant for collapsing layers that terminate in a future attractor associated with a "Big Crunch" singularity, which is qualitatively different from the past attractor marking the "Big Bang". Suppression of the decaying mode modifies the early time evolution, with phase space trajectories emerging from an Einstein--de Sitter past attractor associated with homogeneous conditions. Suppression of the growing mode modifies the late time evolution as phase space trajectories terminate in future attractors associated with homogeneous states. General results are obtained relating the signs of the density modes and the type of asymptotic density profile (clump or void). A critical review is given of previous attempts in the literature to define these density modes for LTB models.
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