Tuesday, March 5, 2013

1303.0174 (Jean-Philippe Bruneton)

MG13 Proceedings: A lattice Universe as a toy-model for inhomogeneous

Jean-Philippe Bruneton
We briefly report on a previously found new, approximate, solution to Einstein field equations, describing a cubic lattice of spherical masses. This model mimics in a satisfactory way a Universe which can be strongly inhomogeneous at small scales, but quite homogeneous at large ones. As a consequence of field equations, the lattice Universe is found to expand or contract in the same way as the solution of a Friedmann Universe filled with dust having the same average density. The study of observables indicates however the possible existence of a fitting problem, i.e. the fact that the Friedmann model obtained from past-lightcone observables does not match with the one obtained by smoothing the matter content of the Universe.
View original: http://arxiv.org/abs/1303.0174

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