Monday, March 11, 2013

1108.0248 (Umpei Miyamoto et al.)

Weak cosmic censorship in gravitational collapse with astrophysical
parameter values

Umpei Miyamoto, Sanjay Jhingan, Tomohiro Harada
The possible violation of the weak cosmic censorship hypothesis in astrophysical phenomena can provide us with the information about trans-Planckian physics through observations. We present negative evidence, however, that one should not expect such a possibility at least when the deviation from spherical symmetry is negligible and the parameter values of collapse are astrophysically reasonable. Taking the Lema\^itre-Tolman-Bondi solution as the model most likely to counter the weak hypothesis, we show that the mass ($ \gtrsim 1.5 M_\odot $) and density ($ \gtrsim 1.5 \times 10^{15} \; {\rm g/cm^3}$) of the collapsing object produce a gravitational field strong enough to capture any null rays soon after emanating from the singularity.
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