Friday, February 22, 2013

1302.5356 (Remo Ruffini et al.)

Gravitational and electric energies in collapse of spherically thin

Remo Ruffini, She-Sheng Xue
In our previous article (PHYSICAL REVIEW D 86, 084004 (2012)), we present a study of strong oscillating electric fields and electron-positron pair-production in gravitational collapse of a neutral stellar core at or over nuclear densities. In order to understand the back-reaction of such electric energy building and radiating on collapse, we adopt a simplified model describing the collapse of a spherically thin capacitor to give an analytical description how gravitational energy is converted to both kinetic and electric energies in collapse. It is shown that (i) averaged kinetic and electric energies are the same order, about an half of gravitational energy of spherically thin capacitor in collapse; (ii) caused by radiating and rebuilding electric energy, gravitational collapse undergoes a sequence of "on and off" hopping steps in the microscopic Compton scale. Although such a collapse process is still continuous in terms of macroscopic scales, it is slowed down as kinetic energy is reduced and collapsing time is about an order of magnitude larger than that of collapse process eliminating electric processes. These results indicate that it is essential to take into account, rather than ignore, electric processes in more realistic models for studying gravitational collapse of neutral stellar core at or over the nuclear density.
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