Tuesday, May 22, 2012

1205.4479 (Valeri P. Frolov et al.)

Scattering of circularly polarized light by a rotating black hole    [PDF]

Valeri P. Frolov, Andrey A. Shoom
We study scattering of polarized light by a rotating (Kerr) black hole of the mass M and the angular momentum J. In order to keep trace of the polarization dependence of photon trajectories one can use the following dimensionless parameter: $\varepsilon=\pm (\omega M)^{-1}$, where $\omega$ is the photon frequency and the sign + (-) corresponds to the right (left) circular polarization. We assume that $|\varepsilonl << 1$ and use the modified geometric optics approximation developed in [1], that is we include the first order in $\varepsilon$ polarization dependent terms into the eikonal equation. These corrections modify late time behavior of photons. We demonstrate that the photon moves along a null curve, which in the limit $\varepsilon=0$ becomes a null geodesic. We focus on the scattering problem for polarized light. Namely, we consider the following problems: (i) How does the photon bending angle depend on its polarization; (ii) How does position of the image of a point-like source depend on its polarization; (iii) How does the arrival time of photons depend on their polarization. We perform the numerical calculations that illustrate these effects for an extremely rotating black hole and discuss their possible applications.
View original: http://arxiv.org/abs/1205.4479

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