Friday, July 5, 2013

1307.1153 (Gustavo Arciniega et al.)

Brighter Branes, enhancement of photon production by strong magnetic
fields in the gauge/gravity correspondence

Gustavo Arciniega, Patricia Ortega, Leonardo Patino
We use the gauge/gravity correspondence to calculate the rate of photon production in a strongly coupled N=4 plasma in the presence of an intense magnetic field. By using the back reacted geometry that provides the gravitational dual of a field theory in the presence of such a magnetic field, we are able to consider arbitrary intensities for it and study its effect in the photon production of the plasma. The use of methods developed to treat operator mixing enables us to consider generic orientations of the photon momentum with respect to the background field, and therefore obtain information about the anisotropy of the spectrum density. Our results show a clear enhancement of photon production with a significant anisotropy, which, in qualitative agreement with the experiments of heavy ion collisions, is particularly noticeable for low P.
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