Monday, June 10, 2013

1306.1546 (Benjamin Koch et al.)

Structural aspects of asymptotically safe black holes    [PDF]

Benjamin Koch, Frank Saueressig
We study the quantum modifications of classical, spherically symmetric Schwarzschild (Anti-) de Sitter black holes within Quantum Einstein Gravity. The quantum effects are incorporated through the running coupling constants $G_k$ and $\Lambda_k$, computed within the exact renormalization group approach, and a common scale-setting procedure. We find that, in contrast to common intuition, it is actually the cosmological constant that determines the short-distance structure of the RG-improved black hole: in the asymptotic UV the structure of the quantum solutions is universal and given by the classical Schwarzschild-de Sitter solution, entailing a self-similarity between the classical and quantum regime. As a consequence asymptotically safe black holes evaporate completely and no Planck-size remnants are formed. Moreover, the thermodynamic entropy of the critical Nariai-black hole is shown to agree with the microstate count based on the effective average action, suggesting that the entropy originates from quantum fluctuations around the mean-field geometry.
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