Wednesday, June 5, 2013

1306.0086 (Nidal Haddad)

Hawking Radiation from Small Black Holes at Strong Coupling and Large N    [PDF]

Nidal Haddad
In a previous work an approximate static metric was found of a test black string that stretches from the boundary to horizon of the planar Schwarzschild-AdS_5 geometry. This is the gravity dual of the Unruh state for \mathcal{N}=4, SU(N) super Yang-Mills theory on a 4-dimensional Schwarzschild background, at large N and large 'tHooft coupling. We compute the holographic stress tensor of the gravitational solution and it turns out to possess many essential features of the Unruh state for weakly-coupled Hawking radiation, such as the appearance of a negative energy density near the black hole horizon and a positive energy density at infinity. It also confirms recent results that at leading order in N, the expectation value of the stress tensor in the Unruh state is finite on both the future and past horizons, and that at this order there are no flux terms as is expected in the black droplet phase.
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