Thursday, June 13, 2013

1105.0781 (Ian Hinder et al.)

Falloff of the Weyl scalars in binary black hole spacetimes    [PDF]

Ian Hinder, Barry Wardell, Eloisa Bentivegna
The peeling theorem of general relativity predicts that the Weyl curvature scalars Psi_n (n=0...4), when constructed from a suitable null tetrad in an asymptotically flat spacetime, fall off asymptotically as r^(n-5) along outgoing radial null geodesics. This leads to the interpretation of Psi_4 as outgoing gravitational radiation at large distances from the source. We have performed numerical simulations in full general relativity of a binary black hole inspiral and merger, and have computed the Weyl scalars in the standard tetrad used in numerical relativity. In contrast with previous results, we observe that all the Weyl scalars fall off according to the predictions of the theorem.
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