1305.6960 (Dejan Stojkovic)
Dejan Stojkovic
The discovery of the Higgs boson is one of the greatest discoveries in this century. The standard model is finally complete. Apart from its significance in particle physics, this discovery has profound implications for gravity and cosmology in particular. Many perturbative quantum gravity interactions involving scalars are not suppressed by powers of Planck mass. Since gravity couples anything with mass to anything with mass, then Higgs must be strongly coupled to any other fundamental scalar in nature, even if the gauge couplings are absent in the original Lagrangian. Since the LHC data indicate that the Higgs is very much standard model-like, there is very little room for non-standard model processes, e.g. invisible decays. This severely complicates any model that involves light enough scalar that the Higgs can kinematically decay to. Most notably, these are the quintessence models, models including light axions, and light scalar dark matter models.
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