Tuesday, May 21, 2013

1305.4524 (A. J. S. Hamilton)

The Black Hole Particle Accelerator as a Machine to make Baby Universes    [PDF]

A. J. S. Hamilton
General relativity predicts that the inner horizon of an astronomically realistic rotating black hole is subject to the mass inflation instability. The inflationary instability acts like a gravity-powered particle accelerator of extraordinary power, accelerating accreted streams of particles along the principal outgoing and ingoing null directions at the inner horizon to collision energies that would, if nothing intervened, typically exceed exponentially the Planck energy. The inflationary instability is fueled by ongoing accretion, and is occurring inevitably in essentially every black hole in our Universe. This extravagant machine, the Black Hole Particle Accelerator, has the hallmarks of a device to make baby universes. Since collisions are most numerous inside supermassive black holes, reproductive efficiency requires our Universe to make supermassive black holes efficiently, as is observed.
View original: http://arxiv.org/abs/1305.4524

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