Friday, April 19, 2013

1304.4973 (Orchidea Maria Lecian)

BKL maps and Poincaré sections    [PDF]

Orchidea Maria Lecian
Cosmological billiards arise as a map of the solution to the Einstein equations, when the most general symmetry of the metric tensor is implemented, under the BKL paradigm, for which points are spatially decoupled in the asymptotical limit close to the cosmological singularity. Cosmological billiards in $4=3+1$ dimensions for the case of pure gravity are analyzed for those features, for which the content of Weyl reflections in the BKL maps requires definition of a 3-dimensional restricted phase space. The role of Poincar\'e sections in these processes is outlined. The quantum regime is investigated within this framework: as a result, 1-epoch BKL eras are found to be the most probable configuration at which the wavefunctions have to be evaluated; furthermore, BKL eras containing $n>>1$ epochs are shown to be a less probable configuration for the wavefunctions.
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