Thursday, April 11, 2013

1304.2836 (Emanuele Berti et al.)

Numerical simulations of single and binary black holes in scalar-tensor
theories: circumventing the no-hair theorem

Emanuele Berti, Vitor Cardoso, Leonardo Gualtieri, Michael Horbatsch, Ulrich Sperhake
Scalar-tensor theories are a compelling alternative to general relativity and one of the most accepted extensions of Einstein's theory. Black holes in these theories have no hair, but could grow "wigs" supported by time-dependent boundary conditions or spatial gradients. Time-dependent or spatially varying fields lead in general to nontrivial black hole dynamics, with potentially interesting experimental consequences. We carry out a numerical investigation of the dynamics of single and binary black holes in the presence of scalar fields. In particular we study gravitational and scalar radiation from black-hole binaries in a constant scalar-field gradient, and we compare our numerical findings to analytical models.
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