Tuesday, March 26, 2013

1303.5843 (Enrico Borriello et al.)

A stringent constraint on neutrino Lorentz invariance violation from the
two IceCube PeV neutrinos

Enrico Borriello, Sovan Chakraborty, Alessandro Mirizzi, Pasquale Dario Serpico
It has been speculated that Lorentz invariance violation (LIV) might be generated by quantum-gravity (QG) effects. As a consequence, particles may not travel at the universal speed of light. In particular, superluminal extragalactic neutrinos would rapidly lose energy via the bremssthralung of electron-positron pairs, damping their initial energy into electromagnetic cascades, a figure constrained by Fermi-LAT data. We show that the two cascade neutrino events with energies around 1 PeV recently detected by IceCube -if attributed to extragalactic diffuse events, as it appears likely- can place the strongest bound on LIV in the neutrino sector, namely delta = (v^2-1) < O(10^{-18}), corresponding to a QG scale M_QG >~ 10^5 M_Pl (M_QG >~ 10^{-4} M_Pl) for a linear (quadratic) LIV, at least for models inducing superluminal neutrino effects (delta > 0).
View original: http://arxiv.org/abs/1303.5843

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