Thursday, March 21, 2013

1303.4752 (Norbert Bodendorfer et al.)

Imaginary action, spinfoam asymptotics and the 'transplanckian' regime
of loop quantum gravity

Norbert Bodendorfer, Yasha Neiman
It was recently noted that the on-shell Einstein-Hilbert action with York-Gibbons-Hawking boundary term has an imaginary part, proportional to the area of the codimension-2 surfaces on which the boundary normal becomes null. We extend this result to first-order formulations of gravity, by generalizing a previously proposed boundary term to closed boundaries. As a side effect, we settle the issue of the Holst modification vs. the Nieh-Yan density by demanding a well-defined variational principle. We then set out to find the imaginary action in the large-spin 4-simplex limit of the Lorentzian EPRL/FK spinfoam. It turns out that the spinfoam's effective action indeed has the correct imaginary part, but only if the Barbero-Immirzi parameter is set to +/- i after the quantum calculation. An interpretation and a connection to other recent results is discussed. In particular, we propose that the large-spin limit of loop quantum gravity can be viewed as a high-energy 'transplanckian' regime.
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