Friday, March 1, 2013

1302.7291 (George F R Ellis)

The arrow of time and the nature of spacetime    [PDF]

George F R Ellis
This paper extends the work of a previous paper [arXiv:1108.5261] on top-down causation and quantum physics, to consider the origin of the arrow of time. It proposes that a `past condition' cascades down from cosmological to micro scales, being realized in many microstructures and setting the arrow of time at the quantum level by top-down causation. This physics arrow of time then propagates up, through underlying emergence of higher level structures, to geology, astronomy, engineering, and biology. The appropriate space-time picture to view all this is an emergent block universe (`EBU'), that recognizes the way the present is different from both the past and the future. This essential difference is the ultimate reason the arrow of time has to be the way it is.
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