Thursday, February 21, 2013

1302.4875 (T. P. Shestakova)

Generalized spherically symmetric gravitational model: Hamiltonian
dynamics in extended phase space and BRST charge

T. P. Shestakova
We construct Hamiltonian dynamics of the generalized spherically symmetric gravitational model in extended phase space. We start from the Faddeev - Popov effective action with gauge-fixing and ghost terms, making use of gauge conditions in differential form. It enables us to introduce missing velocities into the Lagrangian and then construct a Hamiltonian function according a usual rule which is applied for systems without constraints. The main feature of Hamiltonian dynamics in extended phase space is that it can be proved to be completely equivalent to Lagrangian dynamics derived from the effective action. The sets of Lagrangian and Hamiltonian equations are not gauge invariant in general. We demonstrate that solutions to the obtained equations include those of the gauge invariant Einstein equations, and also discuss a possible role of gauge-noninvariant terms. Then, we find a BRST invariant form of the effective action by adding terms not affecting Lagrangian equations. After all, we construct the BRST charge according to the Noether theorem. Our algorithm differs from that by Batalin, Fradkin and Vilkovisky, but the resulting BRST charge generates correct transformations for all gravitational degrees of freedom including gauge ones. Generalized spherically symmetric model imitates the full gravitational theory much better then models with finite number of degrees of freedom, so that one can expect appropriate results in the case of the full theory.
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