Wednesday, February 13, 2013

1302.2637 (Lingfei Wang et al.)

Cosmological perturbations from a Spectator field during inflation    [PDF]

Lingfei Wang, Anupam Mazumdar
In this paper we will discuss analytically the perturbations created from a slowly rolling subdominant spectator field which decays much before the end of inflation. The quantum fluctuations of such a spectator field can seed perturbations on very large scales and explain the temperature anisotropy in the cosmic microwave background radiation with moderate non-Gaussianity, provided the relevant modes leave the Hubble patch while the spectator is slowly rolling. Furthermore, the perturbations are purely {\it adiabatic} since the inflaton decay dominates and creates all the Standard Model degrees of freedom. We will provide two examples for the spectator field potential, one with a step function profile, and the other with an inflection point. In both the cases we will compute higher order curvature perturbations, i.e.\ local bispectrum and trispectrum, which can be constrained by the forthcoming Planck data.
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