Abhishek Majhi, Parthasarathi Majumdar
We articulate the fact that the loop quantum gravity description of the quantum states of black hole horizons, modeled as Quantum Isolated Horizons (QIHs), is completely characterized in terms of two independent integer-valued quantum 'hairs', viz,. the coupling constant of the quantum SU(2) Chern Simons theory describing QIH dynamics, and the number of punctures produced by the bulk spin network edges piercing the isolated horizon (which act as pointlike sources for the Chern Simons fields). We demonstrate that the microcanonical entropy of macroscopic (both parameters assuming very large values) QIHs can be obtained directly from the microstates of this Chern-Simons theory, using standard statistical mechanical methods, without having to additionally postulate the horizon as an ideal gas of punctures, or incorporate any additional classical or semi-classical input from general relativity vis-a-vis the functional dependence of the IH mass on its area, or indeed, without having to restrict to any special class of spins. Requiring the validity of the Bekenstein-Hawking area law relates these two parameters (as an equilibrium `equation of state') and consequently imposes restrictions on the allowed values of the Barbero-Immirzi parameter. The logarithmic correction to the area law obtained a decade ago by R. Kaul and one of us (P.M.), ensues straightforwardly, with precisely the coefficient -3/2, making it a signature of the loop quantum gravity approach to black hole entropy.
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