Wednesday, January 16, 2013

1301.3311 (Mauricio Cataldo et al.)

Canonical and phantom scalar fields as an interaction of two perfect

Mauricio Cataldo, Fabiola Arevalo, Patricio Mella
In this article we investigate and develop specific aspects of Friedmann-Robertson-Walker (FRW) scalar field cosmologies related to the interpretation that canonical and phantom scalar field sources may be interpreted as cosmological configurations with a mixture of two interacting barotropic perfect fluids: a matter component $\rho_1(t)$ with a stiff equation of state ($p_1=\rho_1$), and an "effective vacuum energy" $\rho_2(t)$ with a cosmological constant equation of state ($p_2=-\rho_2$). An important characteristic of this alternative equivalent formulation in the framework of interacting cosmologies is that it gives, by choosing a suitable form of the interacting term $Q$, an approach for obtaining exact and numerical solutions. The choice of $Q$ merely determines a specific scalar field with its potential, thus allowing to generate closed, open and flat FRW scalar field cosmologies.
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