Wednesday, January 9, 2013

1301.1440 (Songbai Chen et al.)

Gravitational field of phantom global monopole and energy extraction    [PDF]

Songbai Chen, Jiliang Jing
We present a rotating black hole with phantom global monopole by the method of complex coordinate transformation and find that the energy scale of symmetry breaking $\eta$ affects the shape of the black hole horizon and a deficit solid angle. Especially, the solid angle is surplus rather than deficit for a black hole with the phantom global monopole. Moreover, we also show that parameter $\eta$ yields the different spatial topology of the event horizons for two black holes with different types of global monopoles. We also investigate the energy extraction of a rotating black hole with global monopole by Penrose process. It is shown that with the increase of the symmetry breaking scale $\eta$ the energy extraction become easier in the background of a black hole with the phantom global monopole, but more difficult in the case with the ordinary global monopole.
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