Sam R. Dolan, Leor Barack
This is the third in a series of papers aimed at developing a practical time-domain method for self-force calculations in Kerr spacetime. The key elements of the method are (i) removal of a singular part of the perturbation field with a suitable analytic "puncture", (ii) decomposition of the perturbation equations in azimuthal ($m$-)modes, taking advantage of the axial symmetry of the Kerr background, (iii) numerical evolution of the individual $m$-modes in 2+1-dimensions with a finite difference scheme, and (iv) reconstruction of the local self-force from the mode sum. Here we report a first implementation of the method to compute the gravitational self-force. We work in the Lorenz gauge, solving directly for the metric perturbation in 2+1-dimensions. The modes $m=0,1$ contain nonradiative pieces, whose time-domain evolution is hampered by certain gauge instabilities. We study this problem in detail and propose ways around it. In the current work we use the Schwarzschild geometry as a platform for development; in a forthcoming paper---the fourth in the series---we apply our method to the gravitational self-force in Kerr geometry.
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