Monday, November 5, 2012

1211.0522 (Eugenio Bianchi)

Horizon entanglement entropy and universality of the graviton coupling    [PDF]

Eugenio Bianchi
We compute the low-energy variation of the horizon entanglement entropy for matter fields and gravitons in Minkowski space. While the entropy is divergent, the variation under a perturbation of the vacuum state is finite and proportional to the energy flux through the Rindler horizon. Due to the universal coupling of gravitons to the energy-momentum tensor, the variation of the entanglement entropy is universal and equal to the change in area of the event horizon divided by 4 times Newton's constant - independently from the number and type of matter fields. The physical mechanism presented provides an explanation of the microscopic origin of the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy in terms of entanglement entropy.
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