Thursday, November 1, 2012

1210.8355 (Youngsub Yoon)

Quantum corrections to Hawking radiation spectrum    [PDF]

Youngsub Yoon
In 1995, Bekenstein and Mukhanov suggested that the Hawking radiation spectrum would be discrete if the area spectrum is quantized in such a way that the allowed area is the integer multiples of a single unit area. However, in 1996, Barreira, Carfora and Rovelli argued that the Hawking radiation spectrum is continuous if the area spectrum is quantized in such a way that there are not only a single unit area as Bekenstein and Mukhanov naively considered, but also multiple numbers, actually infinite numbers, of unit area as loop quantum gravity predicts. In this paper, contrary to what they argued, by adding a further hypothesis of the locality of photon emission in black hole, we show that the Hawking radiation spectrum is still discrete even in the case that the allowed area is not simply the integer multiples of a single unit area, as long as the area spectrum is quantized as loop quantum gravity predicts. In particular, we show that the Hawking radiation spectrum is truncated below a certain frequency, given a certain temperature of black hole.
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