Tuesday, October 23, 2012

1210.5542 (Owen Pavel Fernández Piedra et al.)

Fermion perturbations in string-theory black holes II: the higher
dimensional case

Owen Pavel Fernández Piedra, J. Bernal Castillo, Y. Jiménez Santana, L. Figueredo Noris
In this paper we report the results of a detailed investigation of the complete time evolution of massless fermion fields propagating in spacetimes of higher dimensional stringy black hole solutions, obtained from intersecting branes in string/$M$ theory. We write the Dirac equation in $D$-dimensional spacetime in a form suitable to perform a numerical integration of it, and using a Prony fitting of the time domain data, we determine the quasinormal frequencies that characterize the test field evolution at intermediary times. We also present the results obtained for the quasinormal frequencies using a sixth order WKB approximation, that are in perfect agreement with the numerical results. The power law exponents that describe the field relaxation at very late times are also determined, and we show that they depends upon the dimensionality of space-time, and are identical to that associated with the relaxation of boson fields for odd dimensions. The dependance of the frequencies and damping factor of the spinor field with the charges of the stringy black hole are studied.
View original: http://arxiv.org/abs/1210.5542

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