Monday, October 22, 2012

1210.5505 (Luis P. Chimento et al.)

Dark matter, dark energy, and dark radiation coupled with a transversal

Luis P. Chimento, Martín G. Richarte
We investigate a cosmological scenario with three interacting components that includes dark matter, dark energy, and radiation in the spatially flat Friedmann-Robertson-Walker universe. We introduce a 3-dimensional internal space, the interaction vector $\mathbf{Q}=(Q_{x}, Q_{m}, Q_{r})$ satisfying the constraint plane $Q_{x}+ Q_{m}+ Q_{r}=0$, the barotropic index vector $ \boldmath ${\gamma}$=(\ga_x,\ga_m,\ga_r)$ and select a transversal interaction vector $\mathbf{Q_t}$ in a sense that $\mathbf{Q_t}\cdot \boldmath ${\gamma}$=0$. We exactly solve the source equation for a linear $\mathbf{Q_t}$, that depends on the total energy density and its derivatives up to third order, and find all the component energy densities. We obtain a large set of interactions for which the source equation admits a power law solution and show its asymptotic stability by constructing the Lyapunov function. We apply the $\chi^{2}$ method to the observational Hubble data for constraining the cosmic parameters, and analyze the amount of dark energy in the radiation era for the above linear $\mathbf{Q_t}$. It turns to be that our model fulfills the severe bound of $\Omega_{x}(z\simeq 1100)<0.1$ and is consistent with the future constraints achievable by Planck and CMBPol experiments.
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