Monday, October 29, 2012

1210.4719 (Yoshiaki Ohkuwa et al.)

Third quantization of $f(R)$-type gravity II - General $f(R)$ case -    [PDF]

Yoshiaki Ohkuwa, Yasuo Ezawa
In the previous paper we examined the third quantization of the $f(R)$-type gravity and studied the Heisenberg uncertainty relation of the universe in the example of $f(R)=R^2$. In this work the Heisenberg uncertainty relation of the universe is investigated in the general $f(R)$-type gravity where tachyonic states are avoided. It is shown that, at late times namely the scale factor of the universe is large, the spacetime becomes classical, and, at early times namely the scale factor of the universe is small, the quantum effects dominate.
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