Friday, October 5, 2012

1112.1777 (Antonio Enea Romano)

Inhomogeneous cosmological models and $H_0$ observations    [PDF]

Antonio Enea Romano
We address some recent erroneous claim that $H_0$ observations are difficult to accommodate with LTB cosmological models, showing how to construct solutions in agreement with an arbitrary value of $H_0$ by re-writing the exact solution in terms of dimensionless parameters and functions. This approach can be applied to fully exploit LTB solutions in designing models alternative to dark energy without making any restrictive or implicit assumption about the inhomogeneity profile. The same solution can also be used to study structure formation in the regime in which perturbation theory is not enough and an exact solution of the Einstein's equation is required, or to estimate the effects of a local inhomogeneities on the apparent equation of state of dark energy.
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