Friday, September 28, 2012

1209.6218 (M. I. Wanas et al.)

Torsion and Problems of Standard Cosmology    [PDF]

M. I. Wanas, H. A. Hassan
The field equation of orthodox general relativity are written in the context of a geometry with non-vanishing torsion, the Absolute Parallelism (AP) geometry. An AP-structure, with homogeneity and isotropy, is used for cosmological applications. The resulting dynamical equations are those of FRW-Standard cosmology, which have many problems e.g. singularity, particle horizons, ...etc. We suggest a new scheme for investigating the effect of torsion on the dynamics of FRW-Cosmology, without changing the basic structure of general relativity. It is shown that some of these problems will disappear if the torsion, associated with AP-structure used, is inserted in to the dynamical equations. Diagnose shows that problems arise when GR is written in the context of a geometry with vanishing torsion, the Riemannian geometry. This reflects the importance of using more wider geometries in studying physical phenomena.
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