Friday, September 14, 2012

1209.2971 (Leslie Wade et al.)

Continuous Gravitational Waves from Isolated Galactic Neutron Stars in
the Advanced Detector Era

Leslie Wade, Xavier Siemens, David Kaplan, Benjamin Knispel, Bruce Allen
We consider a simulated population of isolated Galactic neutron stars. The rotational frequency of each neutron star evolves through a combination of electromagnetic and gravitational wave emission. The magnetic field strength dictates the dipolar emission, and the ellipticity (a measure of a neutron star's deformation) dictates the gravitational wave emission. Through both analytic and numerical means, we assess the detectability of the Galactic neutron star population and bound the magnetic field strength and ellipticity parameter space of Galactic neutron stars with or without a direct gravitational wave detection. While our simulated population is primitive, this work establishes a framework by which future efforts can be conducted.
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