Friday, September 7, 2012

1209.1089 (M. Malekjani et al.)

Holographic dark energy with time varying model parameter $c^2(z)$    [PDF]

M. Malekjani, R. Zarei, M. H. Jafarpour
We consider the holographic dark energy model in which the model parameter $c^2$ evolves slowly with time. First we calculate the evolution of EoS parameter as well as the deceleration parameter in this generalized version of holographic dark energy (GHDE). Depending on the parameter $c^2$, the phantom regime can be achieved earlier or later compare with original version of holographic dark energy. The evolution of energy density of GHDE model is investigated in terms of parameter $c^2$. We also show that the time-dependency of $c^2$ can effect on the transition epoch from decelerated phase to accelerated expansion. Finally, we perform the statefinder diagnostic for GHDE model and show that the evolutionary trajectories of the model in $s-r$ plane are strongly dependent on the parameter $c^2(z)$.
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