Wednesday, August 29, 2012

1208.5562 (Mohammad Vahid Takook et al.)

Quantum Gravity in Krein Space Quantization    [PDF]

Mohammad Vahid Takook, Shahriar Rouhani
Indefinite metric field quantization or "Krein" space quantization, is considered in this paper. Application of a new version of this quantization to the linear gravity in de Sitter space-time removes the persistent problem of field quantization, i.e. the non-renormalizability of quantum linear gravity. Pursuing this path the non uniqueness of vacuum expectation value of the product of field operator in curved space-time disappears as well. Contrary to previous methods in which the vacuum states in curved space arbitrarily altered the physical quantity, in this method the vacuum expectation value of the product of field operators can be defined properly and uniquely. In this method the Green function remains finite in the ultra-violet and infra-red limits and these result in automatic regularization of the quantum field theory.
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