Friday, August 17, 2012

1208.3388 (Benjamin Bahr et al.)

Holonomy Spin Foam Models: Definition and Coarse Graining    [PDF]

Benjamin Bahr, Bianca Dittrich, Frank Hellmann, Wojciech Kaminski
We propose a new holonomy formulation for spin foams, which naturally extends the theory space of lattice gauge theories. This allows current spin foam models to be defined on arbitrary two-complexes as well as to generalize current spin foam models to arbitrary, in particular finite groups. The similarity with standard lattice gauge theories allows to apply standard coarse graining methods, which for finite groups can now be easily considered numerically. We will summarize other holonomy and spin network formulations of spin foams and group field theories and explain how the different representations arise through variable transformations in the partition function. A companion paper will provide a description of boundary Hilbert spaces as well as a canonical dynamic encoded in transfer operators.
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