Tuesday, August 14, 2012

1208.2542 (J. Alberto Vazquez et al.)

Reciprocity invariance of the Friedmann equation, Missing Matter and
double Dark Energy

J. Alberto Vazquez, M. P. Hobson, A. N. Lasenby, M. Ibison, M. Bridges
The current concordance model of cosmology is dominated by two mysterious ingredients: dark matter and dark energy. In this paper, we explore the possibility that, in fact, there exist two dark-energy components: the cosmological constant \Lambda, with equation-of-state parameter w_\Lambda=-1, and a `missing matter' component X with w_X=-2/3, which we introduce here to allow the Friedmann equation written in terms of conformal time \eta to be form-invariant under the reciprocity transformation a(\eta)\to 1/a(\eta) of the scale factor. Using recent cosmological observations, we constrain the present-day energy density of missing matter to be \Omega_{X,0}=-0.11\pm 0.14. This is consistent with the standard LCDM model, but constraints on the energy densities of all the components are considerably broadened by the introduction of missing matter; significant relative probability exists even for \Omega_{X,0}\sim 0.2, and so the presence of a missing matter component cannot be ruled out. Nonetheless, a Bayesian model selection analysis disfavours its introduction by about 1.5 log-units of evidence. Foregoing our requirement of form invariance of the Friedmann equation under the reciprocity transformation, we extend our analysis by allowing w_X to be a free parameter. For this more generic `double dark energy' model, we find w_X= -1.02\pm 0.20 and \Omega_{X,0}= 0.08\pm 0.57, which is again consistent with LCDM, although once more the posterior distributions are sufficiently broad that the existence of a second dark-energy component cannot be ruled out. Moreover, the two-dimensional posterior in the (w_X,\Omega_{X,0})-plane is strongly bimodal with both peaks offset from the standard LCDM corresponding to (-1,0), although the latter is still admissible; this bimodality is in contrast to the correctly-centred unimodal posterior obtained when analysing simulated observations from a LCDM model.
View original: http://arxiv.org/abs/1208.2542

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