Wednesday, July 25, 2012

1207.5716 (Sarbari Guha et al.)

Five-dimensional gravity with time-dependent warp factor    [PDF]

Sarbari Guha, Pinaki Bhattacharya
We have considered gravity in a five-dimensional warped product space-time, with a time-dependent warp factor and a time-dependent extra dimension. The field equations have been solved for a spatially flat FRW brane and the energy conditions and the nature of bulk geometry have been examined. At low energies, the trapping of fields within the brane implies a correlation between the warp factor and the extra-dimensional scale factor. Generally, the bulk is not conformally flat. At high energies, the bulk is sourced by a dilaton-like minimally coupled scalar field, which depends on the warp factor. Both the bulk and the brane are found to be Anti de Sitter, with some exceptions.
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