Monday, July 23, 2012

1207.4891 (Matthew Lake et al.)

Cosmic strings with twisted magnetic flux lines and wound-strings in
extra dimensions

Matthew Lake, Jun'ichi Yokoyama
We consider a generalization of the Nielsen-Olesen ansatz, in the abelian-Higgs model, which describes strings with twisted magnetic flux lines in the vortex core. The solution does not possess cylindrical symmetry, which leads to the existence of components of conserved momentum, both around the core-axis and along the length of the string. In addition, we consider a model of F-strings with rotating, geodesic windings in the compact space of the Klebanov-Strassler geometry and determine matching conditions which ensure energy and momentum conservation when loops chop off from the long-string network. We find that the expressions for the constants of motion, which determine the macroscopic string dynamics, can be made to coincide with those for the twisted flux line string, suggesting that extra- dimensional effects for F-strings may be mimicked by field-theoretic structure in topological defects.
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