Wednesday, June 27, 2012

1206.5839 (Flávio S. Coelho et al.)

Radiation from a D-dimensional collision of shock waves: higher order
set up and perturbation theory validity

Flávio S. Coelho, Carlos Herdeiro, Carmen Rebelo, Marco Sampaio
The collision of two D-dimensional, ultra-relativistic particles, described in General Relativity as Aichelberg-Sexl shock waves, is inelastic. In first order perturbation theory, the fraction of the initial centre of mass energy radiated away was recently shown to be 1/2 - 1/D. Here, we extend the formalism to higher orders in perturbation theory, and derive a general expression to extract the inelasticity, valid non-perturbatively, based on the Bondi mass loss formula. Then, to clarify why perturbation theory captures relevant physics of a strong field process in this problem, we provide one variation of the problem where the perturbative framework breaks down: the collision of ultra-relativistic charged particles. The addition of charge, and the associated repulsive nature of the source, originates an extra radiation burst, which we argue to be an artifact of the perturbative framework, veiling the relevant physics.
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