Mario J. Neves, Everton M. C. Abreu
We introduced a new formulation for the path integral formalism for a noncommutative (NC) quantum mechanics defined in the recently developed Doplicher-Fredenhagen-Roberts-Amorim (DFRA) NC framework that can be considered an alternative framework for the NC spacetime of the early Universe. The operators formalism was revisited and we apply its properties to obtain a NC transition amplitude representation. Two DFRA's systems were discussed, the NC free particle and NC harmonic oscillator. Some temperature concepts in this NC space are also considered. The extension to NC DFRA quantum field theory is straightforward and we apply it to a massive scalar field. We construct the generating functional and the effective action to give rise one-particle-irreducible diagrams. As an example, we set the basis for a $n\;(n\geq 3)$ self-interaction $\phi^{n}$ to obtain the correction of the perturbation theory to the propagator and vertex of this model. The main concept that we would like to emphasize from the outset is that the formalism demonstrated here will not be constructed introducing a NC parameter in the system, as usual. It will be generated naturally from an already NC space. In this extra dimensional NC space, we presented also the idea of dimensional reduction to recover commutativity.
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