Wednesday, May 23, 2012

1205.4857 (Jingyun Man et al.)

The strong gravitational lensing for a gravitational source with an
$f(R)$ global monopole

Jingyun Man, Hongbo Cheng
We investigate the gravitational lensing in strong field limit of a Schwarzchild black hole with a solid deficit angle owing to global monopole within the context of the $f(R)$ gravity theory. We show that the deflection angle and the strong field coefficients such as the minimum impact parameter, angular separation and the relative magnification are related not only to the monopole parameter but also to the $f(R)$ correction $\psi_{0}$. It is interesting that the tiny $f(R)$ parameter $\psi_{0}$ will make greater deviation on the angle and coefficients, offering a significant way to explore some possible distinct signatures of the Schwarzschild black hole with an $f(R)$ global monopole.
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