Wednesday, May 16, 2012

1205.3312 (Paul G. ten Boom)

A beacon of new physics: The Pioneer anomaly modelled as a path based
speed loss driven by the externalisation of aggregate non-inertial QM energy

Paul G. ten Boom
This treatise outlines how a real non-systematic based Pioneer anomaly, with its implied violation (re: 'low' mass bodies only) of both general relativity's weak equivalence principle and the Newtonian inverse-square law, can be successfully modelled. These theoretical hurdles and various awkward observational constraints, such as the low value of Pioneer 11's anomaly pre-Saturn encounter, have not been convincingly modelled to date. Notwithstanding the recent trend to embrace a non-constant Sun/Earth-directed heat based explanation of this anomalous deceleration, the actual: nature, direction, and temporal and spatial variation of the Pioneer anomaly remain an open arena of research. Working backwards from the observational evidence, and rethinking: time, mass, quantum entanglement and non-locality, we hypothesise a mechanism involving a quantum mechanical energy source and a new type of 'gravitational' field; neither of which lie within general relativity's domain of formulation/application. By way of a systemic conservation of energy principle, an internally inexpressible (aggregate) non-inertial energy discrepancy/uncertainty - involving a myriad of quantum (lunar/third-body residing) atomic and molecular systems moving in analog curved spacetime - is (non-locally) re-expressed externally as a (rotating) non-Euclidean spatial geometry perturbation. At a moving body each "rotating space-warp" induces sinusoidal proper acceleration and speed perturbations, as well as a path-based constant (per cycle) rate of speed shortfall relative to predictions that omit the additional effect. 'Solutions' of the new model extend to: the Earth flyby anomaly; solar system related large-scale anomalies in the CMB radiation data; the nature of dark energy; and how a theory of everything unification agenda is inadvertently impeding a deeper understanding of physical reality and quantum entanglement.
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